Cultivating Kingdom Attitudes: Transforming Our Hearts and Minds

Cultivating Kingdom Attitudes: Transforming Our Hearts and Minds 
Cultivating Kingdom Attitudes: Transforming Our Hearts and Minds
In a world that constantly bombards us with messages of self-promotion, materialism, and instant gratification, how can we as believers maintain a perspective that aligns with God's kingdom? The challenge lies in developing what we might call "kingdom attitudes" – ways of thinking and behaving that reflect God's character and priorities rather than those of the world around us.

At the heart of this transformation is Romans 12:2, which exhorts us: "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." This renewal process is ongoing, requiring daily surrender and intentional choices to embrace God's ways over our natural inclinations.

But what exactly are these kingdom attitudes, and how can we cultivate them in our lives? Let's explore some key mindsets that can radically shift our perspective:

  1. Faith Over Fear
"God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-discipline" (2 Timothy 1:7). Fear can paralyse us, preventing us from stepping out in obedience to God's call. We see this illustrated in the story of Peter walking on water – when he took his eyes off Jesus and focused on the waves, he began to sink. Yet even in our moments of doubt, Jesus is ready to reach out and steady us.
To develop a mindset of faith, we must:
  • Meditate on God's promises
  • Pray with boldness and expectation
  • Replace fear-based thinking with faith-filled declarations

  1. Humility Over Pride
In a culture that prizes self-promotion, Jesus teaches us the counterintuitive path of servanthood. He demonstrated this powerfully by washing His disciples' feet, showing that true greatness in God's kingdom comes through humility.
Matthew 23:12 reminds us: "For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted." Cultivating humility means:
  • Serving others selflessly
  • Remaining teachable and open to correction
  • Acknowledging that all success comes from God

  1. Generosity Over Greed
The world tells us to accumulate and hoard, but the kingdom of God operates on principles of generosity and sacrifice. We see this beautifully illustrated in the story of the poor widow who gave her last two coins as an offering. Jesus commended her, saying she had given more than all the others, because she gave out of her poverty.
To cultivate generosity:
  • Give cheerfully, not out of obligation
  • Look for opportunities to bless others with your time, talents, and resources
  • Trust God as your provider, allowing you to hold material possessions loosely

  1. Forgiveness Over Bitterness
Perhaps one of the most challenging kingdom attitudes is that of forgiveness. When we've been hurt or wronged, our natural response is to seek revenge or harbour resentment. Yet Jesus, even while suffering on the cross, prayed, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing" (Luke 23:34).
Embracing forgiveness means:
  • Releasing others from the debt we feel they owe us
  • Choosing to bless those who have wronged us
  • Remembering the immense forgiveness we've received from God

  1. Eternal Focus Over Earthly Desires
Colossians 3:2 instructs us to "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." This shift in perspective changes everything about how we live our daily lives. When we view our time on earth through the lens of eternity, our priorities, decisions, and attitudes are transformed.
Cultivating an eternal mindset involves:
  • Investing in things that have lasting spiritual value
  • Viewing trials and hardships in light of eternity
  • Making choices based on their eternal impact rather than temporary pleasure or gain

The journey of developing these kingdom attitudes is not always easy. We face numerous obstacles along the way, including:
  • The influence of the world around us
  • Our own sinful nature and fleshly desires
  • Spiritual warfare and the enemy's deceptions
  • Fear and doubt that whisper we can't change
  • Pride that tells us we don't need to change
  • Negative influences from others
  • Spiritual laziness or complacency

Yet despite these challenges, the rewards of embracing kingdom attitudes are immeasurable. As we allow God to transform our thinking, we begin to reflect His nature more clearly in our daily lives. We stand out as different in a world consumed by self-interest and short-term gratification. And perhaps most importantly, we become catalysts for transformation in our families, communities, and even nations.

Consider the impact of a life fully surrendered to God's kingdom principles:
  • A heart of humility that draws others to Christ through genuine love and service
  • A generous spirit that tangibly demonstrates God's provision and care
  • A forgiving nature that breaks cycles of bitterness and brings healing to relationships
  • An eternal perspective that infuses hope and purpose into every interaction

As we seek to cultivate these kingdom attitudes, it's crucial to remember that this transformation is not something we can accomplish through sheer willpower. It requires a daily dependence on the Holy Spirit, a continual immersion in God's Word, and a willingness to submit our natural inclinations to His perfect will.

Let us be challenged to examine our hearts and minds. Where have worldly attitudes crept in unnoticed? In what areas do we need to intentionally align ourselves with God's kingdom values? Perhaps it's in how we view our possessions, how we treat those who have wronged us, or how we respond to life's uncertainties.

As we embark on this journey of renewing our minds, may we be encouraged by the words of Philippians 1:6: "Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." God is faithful to complete the transformative work He has begun in each of us.

Let us press on, allowing the Holy Spirit to cultivate kingdom attitudes within us day by day. As we do, may our lives become beacons of hope, drawing others to the beautiful reality of God's kingdom in our midst.

This blog was created from a sermon "Kingdom Attitudes" preached by Gary Holdcroft, Lead Pastor at Calvary Church, Macclesfield, England

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